OMV Global

Natural gas

Gas is in our DNA. For decades, we have been committed to working with natural gas, a product that is becoming more and more relevant. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel. Whereas coal and nuclear energy compensated for sun, water and wind energy deficits in the past, natural gas is now the most sustainable alternative.

It is expected that the overall demand for gas will level off in 2030. The changeover from coal to gas will result in a growth potential of approx. 40 billion cubic metres, meaning that natural gas will overtake oil in the European energy mix. Production decreases in Europe and diversification in procurement will require additional gas imports – both by pipeline and from LNG. Our procurement strategy is clearly focused on these future challenges.

Thus, natural gas is the sustainable solution for a safe energy future.

On a chemical level, natural gas is a gas mixture with more than 97% methane; the remaining part mainly consist of ethane, high-grade hydrocarbons and nitrogen.

Natural gas was formed millions of years ago. Dead micro-organisms like algae and plankton nestled on the bottom of the ocean and were covered by layers and layers of earth and rock. Due to the immense pressure and high temperatures, the organic material slowly started to transform into natural gas. Once formed, the natural gas wandered away from its source rock, slowly rising up through the porous layers on top, until it hit an impenetrable layer, where it settled.

Natural gas is a primary energy source. This means that the energy can be used directly in it natural form.